Reporting restrictions Consultation - analysis of responses

Mar 04, 2014

The analysis of responses to the Scottish Civil Justice Council’s consultation on draft court rules in relation to reporting restrictions was published today.  The analysis may be accessed here.  

The consultation sought views as to whether existing rules on reporting restrictions should be replaced with new rules applying to all orders that restrict the reporting of proceedings, and which would introduce the opportunity for the media to make representations to the court before such an order is made. 

In general terms, respondents were in favour of new rules being made and issues raised focussed on the arrangements for non-notification of the media, appeal mechanisms and what might happen in the period between an order being sought and it being made. 

The SCJC has agreed to suspend its final decision on the matter until the UK Supreme Court’s decision in Application of BBC Scotland re A v Secretary of State for the Home Department, in which this area of law is at issue, is known. 

The SCJC is grateful to all those who submitted responses to the consultation, which will be of great assistance in its further consideration of the matter.

For further information please contact Ondine Tennant at / 0131 240 6769.


Providing Feedback

The SCJC welcomes feedback on any aspect of court rules.

Please email your comments to the Secretariat.